Mai Kuraki Official fan club「」

会員復帰案内/重拾會員資格方法說明/Information for returning fan club members

致居住於台灣的會員們 透過轉帳至銀行帳號之入會續會服務結束通知

For those living overseas (not in Japan) and who are former members of the fan club who’s fan club membership has expired, if it is still within 2 years since your membership expired you can renew your membership and come back to the fan club on this page. Fill in your fan club membership number, your password, and pay by credit card. For those people whose membership has expired and a period of 2 years or more has already passed, you will have to apply for a new membership.

Your fan club membership number will not change. However, you will not get a new official membership card.

All inquiries done by e-mail will only be responded to in Japanese, English. If you wish to make an inquiry by phone, we can only do so in Japanese. Special services or special bonus presents for fan club members will be carried out or written only in Japanese. You cannot make a choice of language for these. Please understand these conditions before continuing with your renewal process.

You cannot via this page get a new membership or get a new fan club member card.

会員復帰代金/重拾會員資格費用/Payment for membership renewal

クレジットカード/信用卡/credit card・・・¥4,000

会員番号/會員編號/Membership Number

※ パスワードを忘れた方はコチラ



「」 is a fan club service that gives you the latest news and keeps you informed about the artist Mai Kuraki. In the 「YOU&MAI」 fan club magazine sent by 「」 there are special interviews, direct messages from the artist herself, and lots of special news and photographs unreleased to the general public. On the “for fan club members only” website ( you will get access to the latest news, a special “Diary” for fan club members only and lots more great content! A unique password will be issued to you to get access to view this special site. And as a fan club member, you will also be able to buy Mai Kuraki goods only available on this site and pre-order live tickets for shows that others cannot. These are just a few of the perks of joining 「」!

<会員特典 會員獨享優惠 The Perks of Fan Club Membership>

Official fan club magazine「YOU&MAI」(issued quarterly in March, June, September and the end of December)

Special commemorative presents for when you join the fan club or continue your membership

Ability to pre-order tickets for live shows (during tours some lucky members who pre-order tickets may be chosen via lottery to be invited back stage!)

可收到Greeting Card賀卡(夏・冬)
Greeting Cards delivered to your home(one each in Summer and Winter)

Birthday Cards delivered to your home (to be delivered around the middle of the month of your birthday)

Ability to buy official goods on the fan club website and have them delivered to your home.

提供Online Fan Club(專用的密碼
Get your own unique password for the official fan club website(

E-mail newsletters (issued only for special news or information)